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Europe Newspaper Advertising Rates

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Europe Newspapers

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Dow Jones & Company Inc.   
  The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal Europe
  The Wall Street Magazine WSJ. Magazine
B.T. A/S    
  BT B.T
Le Monde Publicite, S.A. Le Monde  
  Le Monde (English: The World) is a French daily evening newspaper founded by Hubert Beuve-Méry and continuously published in Paris since its first edition on 19 December 1944. It is one of two French newspapers of record along with Le Figaro, and the main publication of La Vie-Le Monde Group. It reports an average circulation of 323,039 copies per issue in 2009, about 40,000 of which are sold abroad.
Le Monde 2
M Magazine
  Telerama Telerama
Courrier International  
  Courrier International is a Paris-based French weekly newspaper which translates and publishes excerpts of articles from over 900 international newspapers. It also has a Portuguese and a Japanese edition. Courrier Japon was launched on November 17, 2005 and is published by Kodansha Limited.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Frankfurter Allgemeine  
  The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (English literally Frankfurt General Newspaper), short F.A.Z., also known as the FAZ, is a national German newspaper, founded in 1949. It is published daily in Frankfurt am Main. The Sunday edition is the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (F.A.S.).
Zeitung GmbH Zeitung
Frankfurter Allgemeinen
Telegraff Tijschriften De Telegraaf  
  De Telegraaf ("The Telegraph") is the largest Dutch daily morning newspaper, with a daily circulation of approximately 700,000. De Telegraaf is based in Amsterdam. Harin Mohan is the main editor of the paper.
Group (TTG) Spits  
  Sp!ts, pronounced Spits, is a tabloid format newspaper freely distributed in trains, trams and buses in the Netherlands. Its competitor is Metro.
Izvestia Press & Publishers Izvestia  
  Izvestia is a long-running high-circulation daily broadsheet newspaper in Russia. It was a newspaper of record in the Soviet Union from 1917 until the dissolution of the USSR in 1991.
Diario EL Pais S. A. El Pais  
  El País (About this sound listen (help·info); literally The Country) is the highest-circulation daily newspaper in Spain, and one of three Madrid dailies considered to be national newspapers of record for Spain (along with El Mundo and ABC). El País, based in Madrid, is owned by the Spanish media conglomerate PRISA.
Ringier AG Blick  
  Blick is a German-language daily tabloid newspaper published in Zürich, Switzerland since 1959 by Ringier.It has a circulation of 275,000 (As of 2004) and a readership of 750,000 (ISSN 1013-0667). Only the free daily 20 Minuten has a higher circulation in Switzerland.
  Cash Cash
Gesundhiet Sprech Stunde
Glucks Post
  Schweizer Illustriete Schweizer Illustriete
Sonntags Blick


Carpet & Flooring Review    
Carpet & Flooring Review  
Des pardes Weekly Des Pardes  
  DES PARDES is the first and most popular Punjabi (Indian) Weekly Newspaper in Britain and Europe. Established 40 years ago in 1965 by late Tarsem Singh Purewal acclaimed largest readership outside India and is now the largest, most popular and widely circulated Punjabi (Indian) Weekly representing the Punjabi Speaking Community throughout Britain, Europe and across the globe.
  Drapers Drapers Drapers
Ethnic Media Group Eastern Eye  
  Eastern Eye is a British weekly newspaper. It was created in 1989 and was first published by The Guardian, before becoming a standalone newspaper. The company behind Eastern Eye changed several times since its foundation by Sarwar Ahmed. It was part of the Trinity Mirror group before a management buyout and the creation of the Ethnic Media Group (EMG).
New Nation
This article is about the British newspaper, which is not to be confused with the Apartheid-era New Nation (South African newspaper) published in Johannesburg, South Africa or the satirical publication in Singapore. New Nation was a weekly newspaper published in the UK for the Black British community. Launched in 1996, the newspaper was Britain’s Number 1 selling black newspaper. The paper was published every Monday. It is now in Administration.
Ground Handling International    
  Ground Handling International Ground Handling International
Guardian Media Group Plc.     
  The Guardian The Guardian
  The Guardian Weekly The Guardian Weekly
  The Observer The Observer
Hali Publication Limited    
  Hali Hali
India Link (UK) Ltd.    
  India Link India Link International
Key Publishing Ltd    
  The Independent Airport International
Lloyd’s List    
  Lloyd's Lloyd’s List
Metal Bulletein PLC    
  Metal Bulletin Metal Bulletin
Metal Bulletin Monthly 
Nature Publishing Group    
Nature Medicine
Nature Biotechnology
Nature Genetics
Nature Structural Biology
Nature Neuroscience
Naure Cell Biology
Nature Immunology
Nature Review Genetics
Nature Reviews
Molecular Cell Biology
Nature Reviews
Molecular Cell Biology
Nature Reviews Neuro Science
Reed Business Information Travel Weekly  
  Travel Weekly Group is the UK’s leading travel trade media group. In 2009 the Travel Weekly Group was acquired from RBI by Clive Jacobs, the entrepreneur and founder of Holiday Autos. The group comprises three core brands.
The McCloskey Group McCloskey Coal Report & Fax
World Textile Publications Ltd. Fashion Business International