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Middle East Newspaper Advertising Rates

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Middle East Newspapers

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Tehran Times Hamshahri Hamshahri
  Hamshahri is a major national Iranian Persian-language newspaper published by the Municipality of Tehran, and founded by Gholamhossein Karbaschi. It is the first coloured daily newspaper in Iran and has over 60 pages of classified advertisement, and is priced at 1000 Iranian rials. Currently, the newspaper is distributed within the limits of Tehran municipality. It has a daily circulation of over 400,000 copies, which is on par with major American daily newspapers such as the San Francisco Chronicle, Boston Globe, and Chicago Tribune. The online version of the newspaper is available at
  Tehran Times Tehran Times
Iran Times
Kuwait Times Kuwait Times  
  Over four decades ago, a dream became reality when one man had a ‘vision with focus’. Inspired by the need for accurate information, he established the first English language newspaper in the Arab Gulf. By doing so, Yousuf Saleh Alyan wanted to strengthen the bonds of unity between his fellow countrymen and the rest of the Arab world.
Muscat Press & Publishing House (SAOC)    
  Al Shahiba Al Shabiba
  Times of Oman Times of Oman
Dar Al Khaleej for Press, Prtg & Pub’g Ltd.    
  Al Iqtisadi Al Iqtisadi
  The Independent Al Khaleej
Al Shuruq Al Shuruq
  Al-Shorouk, Shorouk News or Al-Shuruq (Arabic: الشروق‎) is a prominent Arabic newspaper published in Egypt and several other Arabic nations. It is a daily independent newspaper, covering mainly politics, militant affairs and sport. Its coverage ranges from for example the 2009 Egypt–Algeria World Cup dispute to important political issues and activity and interviews of militant Islamists. In late August and early September 2009 it published a document entitled al-Badil al-Thalith bayna al-Istibdad wa-al-Istislam (The Third Alternative between Despotism and Surrender) written by then incarcerated Abbud al-Zumar and Tarek al-Zumar
  The Gulf Today Gulf Today
Kul Al’Usra
ITP Holdings Inc. Arabian Banking & Finance Magazine  
Arabian Computer News Magazine
Channel Arabic
Channel Middle East 
Commercial Interior Design Magazine
Construction Week
Facilities Management Magazine
Middle East Magazine
Middle East Architect
Gitex Times
Mechanical Electrical & Plumbing Magazine
Network Middle East
Oil & Gas Middle East
Utilities Middle East
The Arab Petroleum Arab Oil & Gas Magazine
Research Centre  Arab Oil & Gas Directory